People are no longer content to have little dreams or hobbies left unexplored. No longer content to take a job and turn it into a career. People want to, in the words of New Belgium's wildly popular print campaign, "follow their folly." Passion for what they do and the happiness that comes with doing what you want are becoming the barometers of success for some. For others it's merely exploring a long nagging interest. Whatever the reasons people are going back to school in record numbers, not to pursue another degree but just to take one or two classes. A literature class here, a music appreciation class there. People are using continuing education to further their hobbies, enrich their lives, and give themselves a sense of fulfillment.

These people cross age, gender, and race barriers, twenty-somethings to baby boomers are doing it. Occasionally a trend comes along that seems to defy demographics and this is that trend for this time. This is now how people sate their wanderlust, not just through travel but through education and stimulation. These are the people determined to not grow up, to not stop seeking out lessons, and to not stop following their follies.
CNN Reports on the TrendSidebar: Speaking of New Belgium, they currently have what is unquestionably the best advertising in the beer industry. The first beer company I've seen in, at least, the last 10–15 years to really understand their consumer.
New Belgium on the Boob Toob!
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